Adult Group Clinics

Weekly Classes

  • Tuesday

    10:00 - Walk the Talk

    3:30 - Practice with a Pro

  • Saturday

    11:00 - Beginner Adult Clinic

Other events to look forward to

Next Up:

Spring II Clinics (5/12 - 6/22)

  • Spring II Adult Beginner Clinic

    Designed for newcomers to the sport, this clinic aims to build a firm foundation for students to build their swings on. Led by experienced instructors, participants will receive personalized coaching on everything from grip and stance to swing techniques. Technical instruction will be supplemented by drills and games that will help players apply the skills quickly on the golf course.

  • Walk the Talk

    Start your day strong by walking 9-holes and getting coaching tips along the way. There will be course management tips, shot selection, green reading and more to help you translate your practice onto the course.

    Big steppers are low-shooters :)

  • Practice with a Pro

    Perfect for all skill levels, join us for a fun and supportive environment to enhance your skills and connect with other golf lovers. This is a loosely structured practice program, with a perfect blend of drills and games to guide your skill development while giving you the freedom to work on what you'd personally like to work on. Golf balls will be provided and clubs are available upon request to ensure you have everything necessary for a successful practice.

  • RoundOut Clinic

    This class is led by DPT Clare Henry and Sayaka Carpenter, Director of Instruction to bring a holistic approach to bettering your game. As a group, we will cover topics on mobility and strength in the upper extremities and lower extremities, and ways to keep your body in peak condition for the kind of play you want to sustain. Let this clinic be the impetus to invest in your health while still doing the sport you love. Self-care should also be fun and sustainable. Limited spaces available.

Things to Note

Missed Classes

There will be a Drop-In clinic for people to make up ONE missed class at the end of each session. This will be a guided practice session with a pro, where you will be able to ask questions or catch up on the skills you missed in class. There will be one co-ed Adult Class and one co-ed Junior/Teen Class.

Space is limited, so try to register as soon as you know you will need to be making up a class.

Inclement Weather

A decision to cancel the session will be sent out via email at least 2 hours prior to the class. Two rain days are reserved at the end of each session. The day of week and the time will be kept the same for those two classes. If more than two rain days are required, the day of week and time are subject to change.